Any chance you can do a new video on hooking up Ableton with Synfire Pro? I'm having problems with syncing it seems to be lagging and hit-and-miss with playback. I've followed the video and advice with no joy.
Has anyone got the connection between the two working properly ? It's such a pain not being able to syncing the two together for workflow I need.
thanks in advance
Di., 17.09.2024 - 00:28 Permalink
There are no tutorials on youtube, is there anyone on this forum that could do a quick video that would be great. Or maybe for studio one or even logic , I have all 3 daws.
Di., 17.09.2024 - 10:26 Permalink
HI Have you see this tutorial?
Di., 17.09.2024 - 10:39 Permalink
Thanks for reply, Yes I've seen that page and been through the process about 15 times.
I would love to know if its possible to get both synced up so it's reliable, it seems so hit and miss and yes I have followed the Abelton sync page many times as I said before !
If someone has connected without problems please let me know :-)
Di., 17.09.2024 - 10:57 Permalink
I have no big knowing of Live but I just got them sync together with the transport part, when I start Synfire Live also start. I just follow the tutorial.
Di., 17.09.2024 - 11:02 Permalink
I found this
Di., 17.09.2024 - 13:29 Permalink
Thank you Ryland for the support but until I see a video with Abelton and Synfire connected I don't believe it works fluently I'm not new to connecting software, for some reason the guys help with all other problems but when it comes to connecting to a daw they cant even be bothered to make a small video. The page they have on here is outdated (Synfire/Abelton).
Thank you so much for reaching out though I appreciate it :-)
Di., 17.09.2024 - 15:16 Permalink
a DAW with synfire is about using the DAW as a soundmodule with VSTi and recording in Synfire
When finished recording , you can drag midi fromSynfire to DAW, that's my understanding of it.
Di., 17.09.2024 - 15:44 Permalink
Yeah, I get you janamdo. Synfire is an amazing program for sure. BUT using them drones is a nightmare always starting and stopping, out of time than in time.
One of the problems is that Synfire doesn't support audio which is a pain because I record live drum breaks and try and stay away from making drums in midi. Which means I can't transfer the audio into Synfire.
I tend to build projects starting from drums and fitting all other elements to the drums as I go along.
And like I said them drones are to unstable in my experience.
Di., 17.09.2024 - 16:49 Permalink
Wait what cognitone their solution is for this
Audio will never be in Synfire as i understood it
Mi., 18.09.2024 - 07:46 Permalink
Never say never!
Do., 19.09.2024 - 17:38 Permalink
Drones had issues with dangling notes and bad timing. This may be especially pronounced with Live. The data streaming is designed to automatically adjust itself to the DAW's response times. Somehow this didn't work well in this case.
I spent the day investigating and fixing this. Next build/update will feel much smoother and more responsive.
Do., 19.09.2024 - 17:57 Permalink
Hi Andre
I look forward to the new update and thanks for taking the time to look into this :-)
Do., 19.09.2024 - 18:13 Permalink
I did a few projects with Drones some time ago (vocals & drums in a DAW). Sometimes there was a bit of a lag when editing figures but otherwise a smooth experience. The chaos I heard yesterday after moving a bigger project over to Drones in Live was a shock. I'm glad it exposed the issues in a way that helped fixing them.
Fr., 20.09.2024 - 10:12 Permalink
Hi Andre
What is the most stable connected DAW you have worked with between Synfire and Daw ?
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
Fr., 20.09.2024 - 11:17 Permalink
Studio One, Logic Pro, Live. Only BitWig had issues last time I checked.
Do., 19.12.2024 - 03:25 Permalink
I think I may have found the problem for ableton live11.2.35 Studio users Synching error.
When you send midi Sync using synfire 2 pro as the master in ableton live 11, In Prefernces MIDI
turn of the START STOP SYNC too off.
that is causing the sync problem When i tuned that off i was able too sync with ableton no issues ,
hope this helps you resolve your problem hopefully theres a fix for it.
Do., 19.12.2024 - 09:24 Permalink
turn of the START STOP SYNC is too off.
Okay, I will give it a go. To be fair, the last time I tried, the connection worked pretty well, there was just a bit of a jump at the start of the bar. I will try what you have mentioned within the templates I made.
Are there any jumps when it first starts ?
Is the START STOP SYNC off. in Ableton or Synfire ?