For a long time I was wondering what's wrong with the Mute and Solo buttons, as sometimes they work and sometimes they don't.
Now I know it: They don't work at playback of a loop. To be more exact: When playback starts at the beginning of a loop or within a loop selection, these buttons have no effect. Only when playback starts outside of the loop, it works as expected.
So., 03.11.2024 - 21:31 Permalink
Why is that .. :-)
Di., 05.11.2024 - 12:02 Permalink
You really want to know?
Mutes get passed down to the Engine and to all active Drones as timestamped messages. For some reason these messages seem to fall outside bounds when a loop is involved.
Di., 05.11.2024 - 12:04 Permalink
Its a question for you :-)
Di., 05.11.2024 - 12:27 Permalink
...when a loop is involved.
Not exactly when a loop is involved. Only if also the playback starts within the span of the loop. So, if you start playback before the starting point of the loop, it works as expected, even if the playhead then reaches the loop and the loop is being played. That's also my current workaround.