Synfire Pro Monophonic Library 2013
Original files created with Noatikl Midi Cooker after import various rhythms applied to the figures.
Original files created with Noatikl Midi Cooker after import various rhythms applied to the figures.
So findet man die passenden Akkorde zu einer Melodie. Auf diese Weise können Sie ein komplettes Synfire Arrangement einer Gesangsaufnahme oder einer anderweitig vorkomponierten Melodie folgen lassen.
Here is a Progression Preset which consists of ten progressions. Many are 16 bars long with fairly fast chord changes. Download this and place in Mac HD/Library/Application Support/SynfirePro/Config/Progressions. It will then show (...)
You can use theses phrases for some inspiration, dedication, remove frustration RnB bass parts.
Here are a bunch of midifies, quantized to some well known drum machines. You could copy/paste the rhythm to your phrases, to get a wider selection of humanized, quantize values. Andre is (...)
Here are some finger picking guitar patterns
Here are an assortment of riffs used in several instruments and seven songs. I used the create library function. It split the drum parts into small riffs, and individual instruments. There are (...)
Here is funk library consisting of many drums parsts, some guitars, and some basses.
Für Synfire und Harmony Navigator (Version 2 und höher) kannst du mit diesem XML-Format deine eigenen Stimmungen für Streichinstrumente definieren. Wo du die Dateien ablegen musst Bearbeite die XML-Datei entsprechend den unten (...)
Over the weekend I spent a couple hours analysing the code of Synfire Pro using the tool Code City by Richard Wettel. As I know some of you are familiar with or (...)