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New track Blacksun - No Fire


Recently released the final version of a track I've been working on for a while now off and on.

A lot of this was created using synfire and some dubstep midi snippets. Everything except some sound effects, drums and vocals was created using synfire driving an access virus and massive soft synth via ableton live which hosted everything else. I haven't worked out how to use the midi controllers in synfire yet to drive ableton live so they were added afterwards although mod wheel and velocity was initially done in synfire.

Comments, criticism and the such like appreciated.



So., 21.10.2012 - 21:20 Permalink

Hi Soundcase:


Not my cup of tea, but this is very good.  It doesn't sound as hap-hazard as other works in theis genre ( not meaning just you but a lot of the heavy dub/club music or whatever the current term is.)


It's great to hear different people using SFP in completely different genre's of music..  On first coming accross SFP, one might think it was mostly geared for doing 'classical' type music....

So., 21.10.2012 - 22:47 Permalink

Well done!


Is that raspy, glitchy bass at the begining a patch or some fx on a patch? And is it from Virus or Massive?


I'd like to know how to create those swelling, growling basslines you hear in a lot of D 'n B.



Mo., 22.10.2012 - 03:34 Permalink

Thanks everyone for the comments much appreciated.

The raspy bass fx at the start is a sample taken from my spectralis synth. I tend not to use it much as its not midi controllable much, you can't select sounds via midi.so every so often I spend time making sounds up then sampling them. Although I sure massive could be used to make such a sound. Massive was only used for the wobbly bass that comes in half way through.