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Reconsider how the 'cut' command works.


In allmost all applicatons 'cut' removes the phrase or note but does not alter the time line. In SFP one must copy, then clear, in order not to change the position of later notes.


A small change, but one that brings more 'uniformity' to other music software.  The 'Delete' command is still there your intention is to remove and have following notes move forward (an equally valuable tool).  The more commands and processes that have a roughly similar counterpart in DAWs - you should follow previously set standards.  Then the user will be more able to learn the esoteric feature faster. 




It's just like the record business (or the way it used to be) You have to be 'different' but not too different that you can't make the song fit with others on a play list.  As brilliant as SFP is, if it had a bit more similarity - it would be more user friendly.  I truly have  to rate this one of the least user friendly music applications (BUT I LOVE IT).


For the last week, I've put aside all other music projects and been working on just one SFP song, experimenting with as many features as I can assimilate.. There are still whole areas that  escape me.  But first I'll become comfortable with the more elementary processes, then move on to learn the harder ones.  


I notice sometimes because of your familarity of program, you're explaination leaves a bit desired cause the new user can't get thru the first part of your explaination. Example = on Logic with SFP.  You open the 'time' parameter, I didn't get that until the third viewing.  I assumed it would be under 'synchronization' as it is on all other DAWs.  A small point, But one that many might not get.  Of course if there were a voice, or you zoomed in and selected 'time' I would have got it the first time...


I did some newspaper writing in college. We were taught the first principle was to write for an 8th graders level. 

While SFP is definetly post graduate work, you want your explainations and manuals to be more geared for an 8th grader. The faster and more gratified the user is, the more he will work towards mastering the program.  Indeed some people might use it for a much more elementary use than you had in mind.  But they'll become a customer and gradually through short and concise videos and explainations, they will be motivated to reach a higher level of understanding of this GREAT program. 


IMHO - and with respect.. 


Mo., 02.07.2012 - 19:56 Permalink

In allmost all applicatons 'cut' removes the phrase or note but does not alter the time line. In SFP one must copy, then clear, in order not to change the position of later notes.

The notes move only if you use 'cut' together with the 'span tool', i.e. if you select a time span with the span tool and then execute the cut command. So to speak, that means that you cut a period of time.

The notes (symbols) do not move, if you select a figure with the 'figure selection tool' (that one with the figure symbol in it) and then execute the 'cut' command.

Mo., 02.07.2012 - 21:41 Permalink

While SFP is definetly post graduate work, you want your explainations and manuals to be more geared for an 8th grader. 

Agreed. This is an evolutionary process that will speed up the more time I will be spending making music with Synfire, rather than writing code. 

Regarding the Cut command: The Span tool works like a text editor. The segment/symbol tools work more like a piano roll in a DAW. Dealing with vectors, cut/copy/paste using the Span tool is essential.

Mi., 04.07.2012 - 02:51 Permalink

Exactly those small but inportant details, NEEDS to specifed, either as a seperate chapter or post in forum Where they can be quickly looked up, not trying to digest 26 listings of of the word 'cut' witht he word processor in the manual..  After 10 minutes of searching for an answer, I've lost the initiative of carrying out the particular musical process.

Mi., 04.07.2012 - 10:43 Permalink

All functions must be described in a manual..no room for own interpretation, because that 's the world upside down.
Extremely frustrated when you don't know what the developers of the  program has in mind for a particulair function in the program. ( how is it intended to be working ?)