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Splitting Notes (Symbols)


I think a useful feature would be the ability to split a note with something like a scissor tool. Currently if there is a note you want to split, there's no easy way to do it without losing the original rhythm. You have to duplicate the note, shorten one, move the other and shorten it, then you have to select it within the symbol group and group them all.

By now, you have most likely lost the original rhythm. And if the split is wrong, you have to keep moving, changing lengths, etc. It would be much more productive if you could just split a note. If it's wrong you can just undo and try the split in a different place.

Sa., 02.09.2017 - 21:32 Permalink

I've not been using Synfire for some time, but as far as I can tell, this feature is not yet implemented. There seems to be many other things that have been 'on the list' for several years. Any thoughts on when this particular list item may be implemented? Perhaps it's already there and I've missed it (hope so). It is an essential function (at least for me, anyway!).

Sa., 02.09.2017 - 21:51 Permalink

+1 for note symbol split


Another feature request: Being able to set anchors for multiple figure segments at once by selecting a single symbol per segment and pressing CTRL-R while editing a figure vector.

Sa., 02.09.2017 - 22:30 Permalink

The phrase editor is undergoing a major rewrite

Ok, thanks. When will it be ready?

So., 03.09.2017 - 20:25 Permalink

Depends on how our user interface work pans out. There's one strand of development, which is what you see published as updates now, and another strand with bigger changes evolving in parallel. The latter is where items from the "list" are being integrated. A greater variety of edit tools to select from is one of them.

Oh, and that multi-select anchor setting is a great suggestion.

Mo., 04.09.2017 - 11:35 Permalink

yeah, looks good. Might save a little bit of time. Selecting and editing stuff across multiple tracks at once (cut/copy/paste/flip/reverse,etc.) would however be infinietly more helpful and save *tons* of time I think.


Mo., 02.10.2017 - 02:53 Permalink

+1 for splitting tool. I would love also a splitting-by-rhythm/step tool, so that I can split a sustained note using a "groove" grid.

Mo., 02.10.2017 - 14:09 Permalink

In addition, I suggest that when drawing symbols (notes) horizontally with the Drawing Tool they get automatically splitted according to division/rhythm/step grid, rather than a sustained note.