I find that Synfire constantly creates new, extra instruments on its own, without any specific instruction by me to to do so.
These mess up whatever arrangement I am building, and they have to be noticed and deleted.
This is a serious interruption in workflow, and happens really very often, with no pattern to it that I have yet discerned.
Surely this has been noticed by others, and by Cognitone. After a short time searching for such, I did not find this reported elsewhere, so I raise it here (sorry!).
IMO, this is an important thing to troubleshoot and fix ASAP. Thanks.
Do., 04.01.2024 - 07:50 Permalink
Yeah, I've known about this for a while as I often work with snippets. It's annoying, it creates a new channel when dropping a new phrase into a snippet that uses a different instrument from the previously established snippet instrument whether you ask it to use the same instrument or to create a mixed group. Not the worst behavior but it can result in a huge track count and having to be very careful when you need to delete many tracks.
Do., 04.01.2024 - 10:43 Permalink
Yes, ads also a unwanted extra instrument
Do., 04.01.2024 - 18:57 Permalink
When you drop a phrase from a library or another arrangement, carefully check what the wizard or other dialogs are suggesting or asking you. Synfire doesn't silently add an instrument unless you drop a phrase on the empty slack area or between existing tracks.
Fr., 05.01.2024 - 10:44 Permalink
A unwanted Synh Strings 1 instrument is added when inserting other instruments plug in
Fr., 05.01.2024 - 20:06 Permalink
Yes, it definitely creates new instruments spontaneously. See gif: Suddenly an instrument Synth Strings 1 appears for no reason. It looks like it has something to do with the save command. At least for me it usually happens after saving.
Sa., 06.01.2024 - 14:39 Permalink
Thanks for the gif. That's weird. Must be a regression that slipped in as a side effect of some other change. Will check that.
Sa., 06.01.2024 - 15:46 Permalink
If you don't find the root cause, just sell it as a new festure. Suggestion for the changelog:
Arrangement: New instruments are added automatically if KIM recognize that your arrangement is just too boring and needs more instruments :)
Sa., 06.01.2024 - 16:17 Permalink
Yes, that's real musical AI : do this and do that advice to improve your arrangement..future music :-)
Then focus only on orchestral music and modern pop variations of it.
Musical AI is still in its infancy it seems.
Sa., 06.01.2024 - 16:39 Permalink
juergen, you should apply for the position as product manager at Cognitone ;-)