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Tool Changing


I find it distracting to have to leave what I am doing and go to the GUI frame to change between the Span and Chord Tools.


What about adding these as options to all the context menus so that I can right click where I am working with the mouse pointer and switch between the tools? The context menu also offers a larger 'target' for selection than the small icons. I find that not infrequently when I click the icon, I don't always immediately change the tool status and then have to repeat the action.



So., 04.11.2012 - 20:48 Permalink

You can use the keyboard:

Q = Previous tool

W = Reset to span tool

E = Next tool

The keyboard row below works for the grid.

So., 04.11.2012 - 21:28 Permalink

Thank you! More undocumented 'goodies!' You are reinforcing my 'asking behavior.' I see that with two tools, the keyboard is very adequate.


I'm reading the Synfire Manual this morning, preparing for my trial.


I see there are many, many more tools in the phrase editor. I can imagine that a context tool selection scheme as in Cubase or Melodyne, for examples, would be especially helpful in working with the editor.



So., 04.11.2012 - 21:34 Permalink

I just tried this in HN2 2.6.2 and it doesn't seem to be working. Is there supposed to be a key stroke combination.


I tried Cntrl+ Q and W and both just closed the program.



So., 04.11.2012 - 22:43 Permalink

I will look for that in Cubase ?

context tool selection scheme as in Cubase

I like to see also more differentation in the parameter column in SFE : a division in global parameters and local parameters  

Note: on wishlist too : REAL PIANO KEYS

Graphical i like to see a real piano keys in SFP/E..if this is improved than it looks great  ( i saw this in the vsti LuSH-101..awesome)

Di., 06.11.2012 - 18:19 Permalink
I really wish SFP would use Apple conventions for such things. Or a Shift left click to open up contextual menues. I would like to see a good more of these.  Again with the moving of windows to get at a certain tool, is extremely time consuming,  Not using previously accepted and used conventions, just makes adding guesswork, or trying to remember exactly how SFP worked.  Can you imagine if every Program used their own set of conventions.  Work woulld never get done. Yes SFP has a lot of commands that have no reasonable facsimile in other programs.  That doesn't mean you can't use known convetions for SFP....  Again reading the book Bob Snyder Music and Memory - An introduction has given me a lot of insight into how the brain organizes, and recalls things.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is link to some interesting reading I've come accross -  (https://www.box.com/signup/collablink/d_472243348/7b4aad8f2f064) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not sure why, but all website formatting is gone,  I can't create paragraphs, or hyperlinks.. Also getting spam hyperlinks,, when a certain word is used. There should be (or didn't there used to be a 'delete post' the creator could make use of?

Di., 06.11.2012 - 19:20 Permalink

Yes, window design and tool management design must be integrated.


BTW What about the Q-W-E/ A-S-D keyboard commands? Is this for Synfire only?


I haven't heard anyone comment about why it isn't working for me in HN2.



Di., 06.11.2012 - 19:40 Permalink

BTW What about the Q-W-E/ A-S-D keyboard commands? Is this for Synfire only?

I've just tested that. Yes, the Q-W-E commands work only at Synfire. Not at HN.

Di., 06.11.2012 - 20:17 Permalink

I've just tested that. Yes, the Q-W-E commands work only at Synfire. Not at HN.


Thank you, Juergen.


I wonder why Supertonic said this, since I suggested it in the HN 'Suggestions' forum?


Maybe it's a bug in HN2? I will have to ask.



Di., 06.11.2012 - 21:15 Permalink

Thanks, Supertonic.


I am getting the impression I am the only one around here finding HN2 bugs. I don't know if that's because no one else is trying to push the limits on the recent release or because I am finding out about undocumented features.


Even though I will be leaving HN2 behind shortly with SFE, it will be good to have all these great features working for the next person 'digging deeper.'

