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Auto-Correction in progression editor


The progression editor has the function "Auto-Correction" that re-estimates the key signature and the scales for the complete progression while typing new chords. Usually that's a very useful feature. But in some situations I would like do exclude some chords from the auto-correction.

Is there a way to do that? Of course I could uncheck the checkbox "Auto-Correction" but then it seems I will be without the Auto-Correction feature at all since once I check the checkbox again the complete progression will be re-estimated (including the region I wanted to exclude).

So to speak I'm looking for a checkbox "Exclude this chord from Auto-Correction" in the progression editor. 

Happy new year to all!


Mon, 2012-01-02 - 16:04 Permalink

Hi Jurgen, you should keep it turned off and estimate each portion of the progression individually with Vector >> Estimate Keys And Scales.

Happy New Year also to you.