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chromatic parameter values chance not enough


Can this value be extended to + - 48 steps ( its now +- 24 )?

I tried +24 steps, but it was too short for the high octaves instruments to reach their octaves 



Sat, 2023-09-30 - 09:46 Permalink

It's only the slider. Values can range from  -96:96 when you enter them manually.

But yes, the slider should accommodate a wider range.

Sat, 2023-09-30 - 11:42 Permalink

That's nice to be able to set more octave ranges.
This allows you to quickly set a range that coincides with the necessary keyboard range of the vst.  
In the case of Smart Orchestra VST which has a keyboard split.
Next to the existing slider then place a slider with +- 8 octaves
Didn't think it was possible to put the octave indications at the slider instead of numbers..or is it ?
The central C can be at C3 or C4 this in relation to the standarisation which is not uniform in music ?

The only thing still unclear is to gain insight how instruments are positioned in relation to each other in terms of pitch.    

Sat, 2023-09-30 - 13:11 Permalink

The only thing still unclear is to gain insight how instruments are positioned in relation to each other in terms of pitch.  

Yes. You can't tell pitch exactly in advance. That's the price of rapid prototyping. You set up playing ranges and draw figures, follow your ears, transpose segments, in order to keep instruments within a particular range. But where those finally land is up to many other parameters.

You can use a "Tutti" instrument with lots of polyphony in the Figure. That gives you more control over how multiple voices are stacked. Later on in the DAW you do the fine tuning, which is then based on final pitches.

Sun, 2023-10-01 - 18:38 Permalink

follow your ears, transpose segments, in order to keep instruments within a particular range.

I feel like it's going to be tricky to start doing this with the ears alone and not have visual  confirmation.
The unclear sound of instruments arises when they are too close together, but perhaps that the overview screen can help.

I hope there will be a improved new user-friendly chromatic slider to set a wide octave range in Synfire.
With the Vienna plugins, the central c can be chosen, so this could coincide exactly with the central c that Synfire uses.

That "tutti" instrumentin smart orchestra is a combination of 3 ensembles it seems and records on 1 track and how then these voices are stacked ?..have yet to try it all out on the keyboard.