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Container Inheritance Query


I must be misunderstanding something because I thought inheritance worked from bottom to top. 

I have an Alias of verse 3, and you can see the parameter is inherited correctly (the green line) when the alias is dropped directly below the chorus (picture 1)

However, if I move the alias so that it overlaps 2 containers, inheritance then transfers to the chorus for the second part (picture 2). 

My understanding was that because the alias is below all the other containers, it should always inherit its parameters.

Where am I going wrong?

Fri, 2014-04-04 - 20:14 Permalink

The 'top down principle' for inheritance is only true for containers with the same starting point. Of prime importance is this principle: Containers with later starting point override containers with earlier starting point.

Fri, 2014-04-04 - 21:02 Permalink

Verse 3 container can be split in 2 containers in picture 2 at the start of container Chorus2.. now verse 3 is overriding all underlying containers.
Try this out..

Sat, 2014-04-05 - 18:50 Permalink

Actually inheritance works "inside out". That is, nested containers inherit from their outer ones.

Containers placed at the same level work as Juergen explained.

Sun, 2014-04-06 - 01:30 Permalink

So now I'm confused again.  The 'inside out' comment is what I read in the manual, but I found it a bit confusing and I couldn't see anything in there about what Juergen explained.  Does this relate in any way to the query I posted? Maybe you could post some examples with pictures, or update the manual to explain it better?

Sun, 2014-04-06 - 08:45 Permalink

No reason to get confused. I was talking about containers at the same nesting level. At your picture you did not use container nesting so these containers are at the same level. 

If you are using nested containers, then the inner containers have priority over the outer (means that a parameter that is set at the inner container has priority over the parameter from the outer container, otherwise the inner container inherits the parameter from the outer container).

And for the containers at the same nesting level applies what I have said before: Containers with the later starting point override containers with earlier starting points (from that point on where they overlap). At containers with the same starting point, the lower container overrides the upper. 

Sounds complicated, but actually the prinicple is quite logical.



Sun, 2014-04-06 - 12:34 Permalink

Ok, thanks again for taking the time to help Juergen. It is very much appreciated.