When Copying,dividing containers, it might be easer to understand and less cluttered, if SFP just used a number after it, rather than, copy copy-copy, copy-copy-copy
So if I cut up a piano into three sections, it would be number piano 1, piano 2, piano 3. If I further cut an already divied container it gets a period and #, piano 2.1, piano 2.2. etc.
I still think a 64 color pallette for containers would be EXTREMELY USEFUL, in quickly discerning the construction and layout of a song..
If some one is going to get confused by the colors of the chord palette, they have no business using SFP in the first place.
Every one will propably adapt a different use for the colors, cause no two minds think the same.. In Logic, I use hues of the same color to represent an instrument. Different violin articulations, will be varying shades of purple. In fact everey Logic user I know (many) they create their own scheme that works for them.
I like wise to a similar thing with section markers of songs. The 2nd verse is slightly different from the first so I use a darker shade of blue.