I might be asking for too much, but can NH2 add counter point to a melody? can we add and instrument and choose its interpretation to do that. Is it already part of the presets?
Thu, 2011-07-14 - 18:20 Permalink
You can add another melody instrument, protect it (turns red) and use that for a counterpoint melody.
Although you need to sketch your melodies by recording them by hand. HN2 will make it fit the progression, but there is no automatic melody generator. Generators tend to create always the same style that gets boring very quickly.
Thu, 2011-07-14 - 19:48 Permalink
Thanks for the input.
I write my own melodies but I am not good at writing counter point. Is there something besides the above mentioned that can help me stay within the parameters of a counter point (its theory is really complicated)
In the meantime I will try what you are suggesting
Best Regards!