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Exported XML Is Missing Chord Qualities



Exporting MusicXML from a file that starts like this:

is giving results like this (as imported into Band-in-a-Box):

As can be seen, the chord qualities ("m7", "7") are not arriving in the destination.

For reference, I've attached the Synfire-exported .musicxml file, and another file 'Desafinado.musicxml' which imports fine into BIAB with all the chord qualities intact.

The difference appears to be in the kind tag inside of the harmony tag.

Insufficient:   <kind>minor-seventh</kind>

Working:  <kind text="m7" use-symbols="no">minor-seventh</kind>

Of course the goal of using MusicXML is interoperability, so a fix for this is much-to-be-desired.   Thanks.


Tue, 2024-06-25 - 18:51 Permalink

BTW, my hope for MusicXML export of chords would be for the chords as expressed in Synfire's governing Harmony parameters to be expressed exactly as such in the exported MusicXML  <harmony> tags.

IOW, don't (or at least optionally don't) render to MIDI and then back-analyze to specify/name the chords.  Rather, take the specified/named chords as they exist in the Harmony parameters and keep that specification/naming (as originally provided by the user!) in force for the MusicXML output.

To put it another way:   Preserve the composer's explicitly written intent as to the harmony at any given measure.   (as that explicitly written intent has been provided in order to guide musicians, programs, or any other entity's subsequent realization)


Tue, 2024-06-25 - 21:35 Permalink

If the attributes text="m7" use-symbols="no" do the trick, that's an easy fix. Thanks for pointing out.

The original intention was to let the importing program decide these details, though.

Wed, 2024-06-26 - 15:17 Permalink

Sounds good.  

Let me know if you'd like me to post some more "known working" files for referencing the symbology they use for various chords.


Wed, 2024-06-26 - 20:43 Permalink

New import of MusicXML from Synfire is looking good in BIAB:

Thanks for the hot fix!