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Factory –> Segments panel : Transformation drop-downs don’t change their value


There are situations where I can open the drop-downs for Transformation and Streaming (working with Heads + Tails) and chose another value, but as soon as the drop-down closes, the old values is back again – or in other words, I cannot change the value.

Workflow to reproduce: 

(1) start a fresh instance of Synfire (quit Synfire entirely beforehand)  

(2) click Start with an Empty Arrangement button

(3) switch to the Library View

(4) activate the Factory Pane : sometimes Bass (Single) and other times Piano Bass is selected

(5) activate the Segments (Sub-) Pane 

(6) try to change the Transformation drop-down for Heads (or Tails) from “Read 3” to “Read 2” or “Pick 1”, it does not work

But this depends on what I have done in the Library Factory panel beforehand – if I have e.g. changed the Streaming drop-down beforehand, the value changes.

In another situation, where I used the Line.Bass + Bass (Single) Factory for a longer time, creating some phrases, I was not able to change the value of the Transformation and the Streaming drop-down. But once I had used the dice on the Segments pane, it worked.

It also matters if you have a fresh Synfire instance running or if you have closed another arrangement that had already loaded the Kim factories beforehand (maybe carrying some state information over) – in the latter case it might work, depending on what you have done in or with the factories beforehand.

Fri, 2024-07-26 - 10:02 Permalink

The factory UI updates become iffy at times. Reloading all factories and clicking on the Factory tab again helps.