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A Fixed Notes, B Fixed Notes



Fixed Notes A, B with Moves

   You can require the progression to include specific notes that are transposed with every new chord according to the sequences you enter here. One or more notes can be entered by name or Roman Numeral expression. Transposition is chromatic by default, but can be switched to move along scale steps.

Would it be possible to offer some further explanation of the above (from the Stray Chords Factory).   I confess to not understanding it, even after some experimentation.

P.S.  How can one visualize which notes a Synfire chord contains?   Is there a notation display, a keyboard display, or a list display anywhere?


Tue, 2024-06-11 - 08:22 Permalink

These pitches are mandatory for each chord. You start with one or more pitches for the first chord and the numbers determine how they are transposed with each new chord (zero = remain unchanged).

How can one visualize which notes a Synfire chord contains?

Look at the keyboard widget on the Progression or Palette page.

Tue, 2024-06-11 - 11:27 Permalink

Hi.    Thanks for your reply.

So do 'Fixed Notes A' and 'Fixed Notes B' refer to the two Keys (if so activated)  wrt. which the chords  are generated?

As an example, if I type "Ab Bb" in the Fixed Notes A field, and if I am only using a single Key, then every chord generated by the Factory will contain both of the notes Ab and Bb?


Tue, 2024-06-11 - 14:57 Permalink

I note that 'A Fixed Notes' instructions are not applied to the First Chord and Last Chord (if those are specified).

The fixed notes are applied to all the chords between the first and last chords.

This makes sense to me.   I'm just noting for the record (and in case I have observed incorrectly and need correction).


Tue, 2024-06-11 - 15:19 Permalink

'Fixed Notes A' and 'Fixed Notes B' are applied to every chord no matter the key. The first key is always used for step-wise transposition.