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Harmonizer can give more chord information?


  Now i imported a piano melody as "take" with some chords in it
First i did a static import for one instrument and than i copied the instrument as a second instrument into the instrument list
With this second instrument i can experiment with the figure recognition and compare it with the first instrument

I did a customized figure recognition with pattern recognition/1/16 / 2voices-> the figure shows now the chords in the melody


Than i went to the harmonizer with the both instruments and toggled them on /off with option for rendered notes.
So the harmonizer shows me one phrase without chords to see and th esecond instrument shows in the harmonize the actual chords in the piano melody
It are all grey dots   


To chance harmony of the melody you can only use the triad/seventh chords in the phrase .. but the harmonizer shows not the measures position where the triads/seven chords are.
For that you must go to the arrangement view
( note if you make a figure recognition: monophonic melodic..the chords are not showing you must make the right figure recognition algoritme )

Do you wan to chance he character of this melody than you must chance the chords, but the harmonizer is not the place for this.. you can use the palette and drop at he chordposition a other chord
It is a Cmaj melody has 3 tonic chords in the phrase , try to analyse it to get a feeling of the melody movement  



  • Is it possible that the harmonizer shows were the triads/seventh chords are in the harmonizer..or is this not relevant?

Enclosed a arrangement file and a animated gif.. i hope it make sense :-?




Sun, 2012-10-21 - 16:44 Permalink

Now i do wan to experiment with some chords and play with palette by looping the phrase: how was that again possible in SFE?

Sun, 2012-10-21 - 18:55 Permalink

I'm not sure what you are trying to do with the harmoniser, study the video on it more closely. You do not have any chords in your figures so that's why they are not showing up as chords. The progression is listed at the top and bottom of the harmoniser. It's the progression you edit with the harmoniser you don't create chords in it (at least that's my understanding).

If you want to experiment with a sketch, load up the palette you can the get th sketch to play following your choice of chords in the palette but note this is just to allow you to come up with a progression you like it doesn't record the sketch to the arrangement. There is a menu option in the playback menu I think to turn the sketch accompiament on.
There might be an easier way to do ths now without having to make your arrangement into a sketch.

Sun, 2012-10-21 - 20:18 Permalink


I like to get more experience with harmonizer...

         I'm not sure what you are trying to do with the harmoniser, study the video on it more closely. You do not have any    chords in your figures so that's why they are not showing up as chords.

You are sure ?..the are definitely chords in the piano melody: open the example file you will see that they in there.
But i start with this melody and harmonise this with the primary triads 
Harmonize  a melody is one thing, while arranging that harmony in such a way that it sounds good on the instrument or instruments that wil play the music is another.


Sun, 2012-10-21 - 20:36 Permalink

I don't remember all that HN did, but since the picture shows the commands, I assume it works  similar to SFP..  I hope this is helpful.


In SFP, you would check which instruments you want to experiment with harmonizing.. The more tracks you pick, the smaller your amount of harmonic choices..  Two tracks still gives you a good deal of leeway.  So check both of them.. You can hit 'harmonize', it will come up on a chord progression, depending on how many instruments you have selected.. you can also place you cursor on the time line.  A blue line will show up and a list of possible chords.  If no chords show up, select "changes +", this will give you a list of chords you can add. The uppermost are the most compatible. you can individually add or modify any  chords.. If you like hit, click 'apply'


I hope this works the same way on HN, and this is helpful to you..

Sun, 2012-10-21 - 20:55 Permalink


Congratulations and celebrations sounds good

Recently i bought also Synfire Express so i am former user of HN2.. i must try out the harmonizer more and practice
First i like to have the library at hand what is belonging to SFE and i got the library from the sketches from @juergen ( SFE has not converting from a midi to a pool of phrases)  
This two library i must merge and extend the library ..
I like also to play live a arrangement with the palette without converting it to a sketch