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How to Halve (or Double) a Structure Layout



Consider a Structure layout, like so:

Upon playback I find that every section is actually twice as long as I want it to be.

Is there an operation or sequence available that will shrink the entire thing by half.

The challenge could just as easily be the opposite (needing to double it).

I have a vague, possibly incorrect memory of having seen a menu operation to do this, but now I can't find it.


Tue, 2024-06-04 - 19:00 Permalink

There's a Scale Tempo command on the File menu but that merely stretches everything while changing Tempo to make it sound the same despite the stretched data.

You could alter the tempo manually after this. 

Tue, 2024-06-04 - 21:23 Permalink

Thanks for your reply.

I think what I was remembering was  Stretch Parameter.

This does exactly what I want for a parameter (e.g. works great with Harmony).

Do I take it that there is no such direct equivalent for containers in the Structure?

Could there someday be, or is that too impractical to implement?

Wed, 2024-06-05 - 07:04 Permalink

such direct equivalent for containers in the Structure?

That's what the Scale Tempo command actually does. It stretches all phrases. But (unfortunately) it does not adjust the length of the container, so that would need to be done manually. And since the command also changes the tempo by factor 2 or 1/2 that would need to be readjusted as well.

Wed, 2024-06-05 - 15:07 Permalink

That's what the Scale Tempo command actually does. It stretches all phrases. But (unfortunately) it does not adjust the length of the container, so that would need to be done manually. And since the command also changes the tempo by factor 2 or 1/2 that would need to be readjusted as well.

Ah, well, by the time you add those "extras" it's essentially a different operation - one that would be quite useful to have.

If implemented, this will need a name.   "Resize Container(s)"?    "Stretch/Shrink Container(s)"?