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How to Make a Smaller Container from End of Larger One



Consider this 4m long container:

If I want to create a new container only 1m long, from the end of this one, how could I do that?

IOW, that last measure contains a drum fill and I would like to now create just a 1m drum fill container from that.


Sun, 2024-06-02 - 21:59 Permalink

Create a new 1m long container, drag it at the desired place in the timeline (at measure 36 in this case) and make a snapshot (Container >> Make snapshot)

Of course, you can do it also the "traditional way": Select the first 3 measures of that phrase with the span tool and cut it away (right click >> Cut). Then shorten the container by dragging its end. But that's the Stone Age method in my opinion.

Sun, 2024-06-02 - 23:11 Permalink

You could place the edit cursor in the timeline to where you want the split and CTRL+J to Divide then drag the result into the snippet grid.

Mon, 2024-06-03 - 01:26 Permalink

Excellent information.   Success with both methods.

Thanks very much!