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How to Select Container with Children



Is there a way, other than clicking on every item one-by-one, to select a Container and all of its children?

For example (and the real world might involve much more complicated structures than this), the goal would be to turn this:

into this:

In particular, this would be the prelude to using Ctrl-G to make them all into a Group.


Tue, 2024-06-04 - 13:04 Permalink

According to me if you put the containers under B in container B (drag and drop) they have become children of the parent B container ?
If you select B then, all childeren are selected too
There is no lasso tool to select separate containers.

Wed, 2024-06-05 - 17:40 Permalink

Select All does this

Thanks.   Alas, I'm afraid I need instruction here as to exactly how to make that happen.

For example, when I select box B above, and then do 'Select All' nothing happens here.  None of the subordinate boxes get selected.


Fri, 2024-06-07 - 12:27 Permalink

Select All selects all children of the currently selected container.

Fri, 2024-06-07 - 15:21 Permalink

OK, so it seems I had a false impression that all those smaller containers under B above were B's children.

Q1.   Given the above as already existing, Is there an operation that would make all those smaller containers under B above into B's children?

Q2.  What is the "normal way" to create children as-you-go?


Fri, 2024-06-07 - 16:49 Permalink

The vertical arrangement is no indication of hierarchy. Nesting is.

Container >> New always creates a child container to the currently selected one.