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Max note length 4/1 ?


I'm trying to set the note length of a single figure segment to  longer than 4/1 (eg 6/1), but it always switches back to 4/1.

Is it really limited  ? (a bass string note over 8/1 is not that unrealistic...)

Sat, 2017-09-23 - 12:50 Permalink

I've just tried this and you can set the length to anything if you drag the note in the arrangement or phrase view. The 4/1 limitation only happens if you type the value in the figure parameter. Looks like a bug but at least there's a workaround.

Sat, 2017-09-23 - 13:33 Permalink

Yes, it's the input box only. Just changed this to 16 bars, which should be enough for most purposes. The reason there is a limit in the first place is to prevent entry of insane values that might corrupt the arrangement.

Sat, 2017-09-23 - 15:35 Permalink

The problem was that even dragging it with the mouse did not allow for longer than 4/1.  Meanwhile I reopened the arrangemnt and now at least dragging works!