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New: Experimental Features


We highly appreciate the suggestions and feature request that we receive from you. It is a very rewarding and motivating thing that encourages us to keep up our work, which is very challenging at times.

However, the more sophisticated ideas discussed in this forum will probably not make it into the product anytime soon, because, apart from the technical feasibility, there are many other decisions involved when new features are considered and this can not be done in an overnight fashion. Making a product more powerful while at the same time keeping it slim and logical, requires discipline.

Therefore we decided to include some of the ideas with "experimental" status. They will be hidden by default. Everyone interested in playing around with them and contributing to the discussion whether some feature makes sense or not, or how it could be implemented in a better way, is welcome to do so. Eventually we will revise and release one of these features to be officially supported, if the practical experience proves it useful.

The screens below were taken from the 1.1.3 update that is about to be released very soon.

Thanks again to everyone who took the time to delve into the depths of the Synfire universe! You are pioneers.




Mon, 2009-08-31 - 17:17 Permalink

The first experimental features to come are the Chromatic parameter (as suggested by tokyorose) and additional flags for figure segments that allow for bypassing the voice leading algorithm on a per-segment basis (walking bass, chromatic passing tones, etc).

Tue, 2009-09-01 - 00:09 Permalink

Note: I've also added the parameter "Bend" for pitch bend. Hopefully it can serve as a workable solution until eventually a more sophisticated way to integrate this controller with figures may be found.

I dont think pitch bend needs its own thread, as simple as it is. If anyone sees the need for a discussion, please open a thread.

Tue, 2009-09-01 - 00:13 Permalink

Note: I've also added the parameter "Bend" for pitch bend. Hopefully it can serve as a workable solution until eventually a more sophisticated way to integrate this controller with figures may be found.

I dont think pitch bend needs its own thread, as simple as it is. If anyone sees the need for a discussion, please open a thread.

Does it use the MIDI 0xEn status byte with 2 bytes for LSB/MSB? (after the status byte + channel of course)

Tue, 2009-09-01 - 00:21 Permalink

Yes, exactly. Why do you ask?

EDIT: It currently only uses the MSB, i.e. 128 possible values. This could be extended in the future easily.

Tue, 2009-09-01 - 00:33 Permalink

Oh oops, I remember having some weirdness with pitch bend support across synths and stuff but I think that it might have been the bend sensitivity range stuff. (The whole CC# 101/100 and 6/38 stuff...)

I'll be testing this with various hardware synths once it is out. :)

Maybe it could be possible to add a configuration area (similar to the bank change setup) in the device descriptions to properly define pitch bend range CC messages to synths if that becomes necessary.