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Recording Question


Can someone here help me with Harmony Navigator? When ever I record performances they never playback the same way I recorded them. I've had this for sometime and could never export a good recording without fixing it manually. I use HNLE to create progression I'd like to use in Reason to put songs together.

Thu, 2012-11-01 - 16:33 Permalink

To quite myself from an earlier reply:

The pitches of a chord depend on the previously played chords (voice leading). You will hear different pitches when clicking an isolated chord in a palette than when played in sequence from the notepad or progression editor. The pitches also depend on the playing ranges of the instrument (global instruments "Chords" and "Bass"). You may need to slightly adjust these if you experience hefty pitch leaps in certain keys.

Practically this means you should check the global "Chords" instrument in Audio & MIDI Setup and adjust its middle playing range and typical pitch ("sweet spot") to the desired timbre you want to hear with your sound. HN2 LE will then layout the inversions of all chords to match this pitch range.

Controlling inversions of longer progressions manually is a lot of work. That's why the voice leading does this for you automatically. If the pitch ranges are set right, your progression will sound much better.

Thu, 2012-11-01 - 16:35 Permalink

You also have the option to set fixed inversions per chord using the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 keys in the progression notepad or editor.