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Routing of parameters / freezing of single parameters



therefore I´m sometimes working with the parameters step, rhythm and shift in the same instrument, I would like to know which parameter is applied first and which later.
Different results would come up, as far as I understand, when rhythm is working first or later.
In this context it would be interesting to see the routing of parameters in general. -

This leads to the next point. The freeze funktion ("einfrieren" in german) gives the results of all parameters applied including harmonie. After the freezing the symbols loose their ability to react on different new harmonis.
So a possibility to freeze single parameters would be helpful out of various reasons. Maybe I want to melt two different instruments into one, and one or both instruments use different steps etc. And there are a lot of other situations, where this single parameter freezing would be helpful.

Thank You

Mon, 2009-08-17 - 19:40 Permalink

Good point.

Shift comes after Rhythm, otherwise it would ot work for rubato effects and such. I think we should publish a parameter routing diagram, very good idea.

Regarding your other question, have you considered using snapshots? That freezes individual parameters.

Mon, 2009-08-17 - 23:25 Permalink

Regarding your other question, have you considered using snapshots? That freezes individual parameters.

So I just tried it. I applied the step of the bass on the trumpet, and it plays with the bass as wanted.

But the snapshot stays in grey, so I can´t use it.
So I´m looking for the parameter menü, but the "extract from figure" (aus figur bzw Ergebnis extrahieren) or result, is grey also.
So I "chose all" (alles auswählen), but no change of grey to black in the parameter menü nor in the snapshot button in step parameter.

Ok, 15 Minutes later I got it. I have to go in the stepeditor, and now in the parameter menue (witin the editor) I can choose "store in figure" (in Figure speichern).
And it works.

Thank you