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Synfire 2.2.1


Synfire 2.2.1 Build #2 is available.

We much improved plug-in scanning which is now up to 800% faster because it runs multiple sub-processes in parallel. Quite possibly the fastest scanner of all. Audio Engine 4.3.0 has been improved in general to be more efficient.

A new experimental feature is ready for testing and feedback: Instrument Groups. It is not yet documented. We will  open a separate discussion thread with instructions.

As always, the list of changes can be found here.

Tue, 2023-06-27 - 04:29 Permalink

Hi, sorry to harp on, but the 2 bugs I mentioned earlier are still causing havoc. I have made gif animations to highlight the problem. 

Cannot drag to progression window from palette.


Progressions are concatenated depending on window size:

Tue, 2023-06-27 - 18:04 Permalink

A new build #3 is online now.

  • NEW: Import articulations from Cubase Expression Maps
  • NEW: Alt+PLAY (Play Container): Play only instruments with phrases in the current container.
  • Fixed issues with standalone progression app.
  • Audio Engine: Scan Cognitone plugins first, so default rack can load even if a scan times out.

The expression map import comes handy for large sound libraries like VSL. The Play Container feature (also mappable as a keyboard shortcut) is helpful if you want to hear only the instruments that have phrases assigned in the current container.

The standalone progression app is somewhat deprecated. We recommend using a Library for collecting progressions instead. They are reasier to organize, browse and use. Check out the Example Harmony library. The reported bugs have been fixed nevertheless.

Wed, 2023-06-28 - 09:35 Permalink

Looks like not all components of the new Engine have been updated to the latest version, possibly because an instance of Synfire was still running in the background. Windows doesn't allow files to be updated while they are in use.

Quit both Synfire and the Engine and uninstall/reinstall only the Engine using Audio Engine.msi