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trying to connect to a virtual instrument in Cubase



I have cubase 6.5 on the Mac OSX 10.7.

I am trying to play chords on a guitar virtual instrument by pressing the chords on the palette. I have achieved this before but HN will not remember the set up and now I am totally lost again.


I want to HN2 to play Real Guitar2L  and the Sound of Real Guitar 2L to play through Cubase so I can record it.


I have read the manual, which tells you how easy it is to do it but does not tell you how to do it. I have attached some screengrabs of how I have st thsup. Thisworked before so I don't know whether I have go the wrong midi in our out. I(I can't see midi out in the port section of HN. I would be grateul for any help

Sun, 2013-03-24 - 12:39 Permalink

Thanks for the pictures. Your setup looks correct.

Maybe you need to assign the "Guitar" category to the sole sound in your REALGUITAR device. Without this, HN2 can not play the sample phrase for testing (Probe).

Sun, 2013-03-24 - 12:56 Permalink

thank you but I don't know what you mean.Do you mean a

ssign somethung in HN or in the plug in?

Sun, 2013-03-24 - 12:59 Permalink

In screenshot_09.jpg, drag the "New Sound" and drop it on the most specific "Guitar" item in the category tree. That will assign the category to it.

Save the device when done with Device >> Save.

Sun, 2013-03-24 - 14:07 Permalink

thanks for the reponse

I have done what you said. I can now get the sound to play through Cubase but only when I press the keys on the HN keyboard in the audio and midi set up. When I press the chords in the palette, nothing happens apart from the generic synth sound. I have midi imput on and midi through disabled. I tried with midi through on but nothing happened. Do I have to do something else to the palette window?

Sun, 2013-03-24 - 14:17 Permalink

Finally got it to work, but by accident.

Please see the screengrab. I had to change the global instrument settings.

It would realy help unless I missed something)  if this was set out in the manual. This is not an intuitive program and is hugely complicated for something which should be so simple. I ony use HN to get chord suggestions for progressions. In that regard it has enormous potential


thanks for your help

Sun, 2013-03-24 - 17:46 Permalink

Thanks for your feedback.

Regarding sound setup, we are working on a much simpler user interface already.

Mon, 2013-03-25 - 02:06 Permalink

Yes, RealGuitar is a great instrument.  It needs two tracks, one that is full legato chords, the 2nd track, (usually taken from RealGuitar Pattern Generator), or you can hand play these.  Check Realguitar manual, they use super low notes and possibly super high ones (I forget, only use the lowest ones). This is the track that creates the guitar effect of different strings being plucked.  Both of these tracks must be the same midi channel going to the same instance of realguitar. 


Another thing to watch out for is that if you import a realguitar part made in Cubase (or Logic) etc..  It has to be static.  But I believe SFP will still attempt to transpose the extra low notes, because it beyond the range of any instrument..  Check that out though.  Although there really is no way to see that, unless you print a score from SFP or export midi file back into a DAW. Cause while importing a midi file I sometimes see SFP's activity display say 'transposing out of range notes'