Finally, here's a huge update with lots of issues fixed and improvements made. I've highlighted a few prominent changes you might want to test.
- Windows: Popup menus open at wrong position on HiDPI monitors
- Windows: User bigger mouse cursors for tools from 150% upwards
- Windows: Graphics glitches with popup menus
- Windows: Drag & drop HiDPI issues
- Notation Export: Improved auto detection of pre-processing options
- Notation Export: Improved splitting of rests using more context
- Notation Export: Fixed issue with accidentals that shift across octave bounds
- Notation Export: Disabled export of accidentals by default (can be enabled where needed)
- Notation Export: Ignore up/down direction of a run when spelling chromatic notes
- Notation Export: Use full measure rests where applicable
- Notation Export: Fixed issue with incomplete MusicXML measures and rests
- Notation Export: Minimum exported rest length makes "Rests" switch redundant
- Notation Export: Per-instrument settings not always retained
- Notation Export: Fixed multiple issues with beaming and tuplets
- Notation Export: Fixed issue with lyrics export
- Notation Export: Improved preferences for launching compilers end editors
- Notation Export: Always export F# Major as Gb Major, D# Minor as Eb Minor
- Notation Export: Long rests should be split into beats under certain conditions
- Notation Export: Update file extension to .musicxml
- Length 5/8 should not display as something odd like 1/4**+1/16 (figure inspector)
- Dispay sequential interpolation w/o trailing values
- Make Skip parameter visible
- Drones should not be offered if already used by a different arrangement
- Fixed issues with external MIDI synchronization
- Fixed an issue with rack module relocation
- Embedded GM Synth should not be offered as external MIDI sync port
- Embedded GM Synth browser item should be disabled if already in usetreem
- Sound Wizard: Unable to select a preset for Drones
- Sound Wizard: Drones should be disabled if none available
- Sound Wizard: Input-only MIDI ports should not appear for selection
- Sound Wizard: Fixed several issues with selection
- Sound Wizard: Last used plug-in not remembered reliably
- Sound Wizard: Must not allow "Next" menu item is disabled
- Device created on rack not immediately recognized for next added plug-in instance
- Ability to forcibly claim a used Drone from a different arrangement
- Ability to switch Drone playback modes on rack module
- Fixed visibility issues with rack module library
- Snippets: Option to use 'Single-Phrase Snippets Only'
- Snippets: Improved grid layout and menus
- Snippets: Updated documentation and help
- Snippets: Undo should not backup every single snippet individually
- Editing: Show immediate result while moving objects
- Editing: Fixed dragging symbol lengths
- Editing: Fixed an error with display of metric grid in phrase editor
- Editing: Fixed issue with Step application to Figure at loop point
- Editing: Make grid display more intuitive
- Editing: Make room for negative symbol positions as needed
- Editing: Make keyboard shortcut for grid show/hide
- Editing: Rewrite Resample to yield better results for figures
- Editing: Rewrite legato and quanization algorithms for better results
- Editing: Rewrite stretching algorithm for figure segments (snap to grid)
- Editing: Shrinking a segment to the extreme should turn it into a chord
- Editing: Quantize Lengths in isolation doesn't make much sense musically (removed)
- Editing: Improved Clip Lengths results
- Editing: Add a Quantize button to Clickboard
- Transform >> Force Legato should assume a chord only where onsets are closer than 1/64
- New command Simplify Chords
- Show Grid should also be in View menu
- Saving keyboard shortcuts to HTML was broken (Windows)
- Copying or cloning an arrangement corrupted it
- Fixed odd value legend with Shift parameter
- Make zoom increments finer
- Updated system icons
- Factories: Playing ranges of segments got lost
- Fixed issue with Flow parameter resulting in clipped notes
As always, please report issues for this version in this thread. Thanks.
Thu, 2022-06-09 - 15:08 Permalink
Unfortunately I still get this error when starting Synfire.
Show Details gives this:
Exception Name: NSInternalInconsistencyException
Description: Menu should have been unscheduled for updating
User Info: {
NSAssertFile = "NSMenuItem.m";
NSAssertLine = 4354;
}0 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff81895f7b3 __exceptionPreprocess + 242
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007ff8186bfbc3 objc_exception_throw + 48
2 Foundation 0x00007ff819811d13 -[NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] + 267
3 AppKit 0x00007ff81b9649b4 __35-[_NSMenuShortcutUpdater schedule:]_block_invoke + 206
4 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff8188e3d31 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK__ + 12
5 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff8188e3bdc __CFRunLoopDoBlocks + 445
6 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff8188e2f4d __CFRunLoopRun + 2609
7 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff8188e1e5c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 562
8 HIToolbox 0x00007ff8215895e6 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292
9 HIToolbox 0x00007ff82158934a ReceiveNextEventCommon + 594
10 HIToolbox 0x00007ff8215890e5 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 70
11 AppKit 0x00007ff81b3211fd _DPSNextEvent + 927
12 AppKit 0x00007ff81b31f8ba -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1394
13 AppKit 0x00007ff81b311f69 -[NSApplication run] + 586
14 AppKit 0x00007ff81b2e5ee7 NSApplicationMain + 817
15 mps 0x00000001000a0be7 oeMain + 567
16 dyld 0x000000010eb4651e start + 462
The hardware I'm running Synfire on is this:
Hardware Overview:
Model Name: iMac
Model Identifier: iMac19,1
Processor Name: 6-Core Intel Core i5
Processor Speed: 3,7 GHz
Number of Processors: 1
Total Number of Cores: 6
L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
L3 Cache: 9 MB
Memory: 64 GB
System Firmware Version: 1731.
OS Loader Version: 540.120.3~6
SMC Version (system): 2.46f13
The operating system is MacOS 12.4 (Monterey)
Thu, 2022-06-09 - 19:01 Permalink
I forgot to say that choosing "Crash" in the error dialog doesn't visibly crash anything for me. The dialog then just disappears. Perhaps the error is produced by a program part that has already terminated when the main window finishes drawing and I get to dismiss the dialog.
Is there a possibility of me running Synfire with the Audio Engine disabled being a part of the problem?
Enabling the Engine makes the error go away.
Fri, 2022-06-10 - 02:22 Permalink
So, first, the Undo/Redo functions are still completely messed up and you lose entire Figures when using them.
I'm saying this because I thought it was fixed, but maybe it was only for the arrangement, I don't know. It's in this state since V1, I suppose users are used to save their projects like every minute and make thousands of versions.
Moreover, please consider clearing confusion with the Grid parameter: (https://users.cognitone.com/comment/19947#comment-19947)
Windows: Graphics glitches with popup menus
They still go outside of the screen though; that one is the most annoying thing. Thinking about it, I don't remember this happening in V1. What's the deal?
Notation Export: Improved auto detection of pre-processing options
I can see a general improvement. I still get some weird results with actual music (stuff not just for testing), but I'll have to look at that more carefully, so I can maybe post some some examples. But it's probably because there are tuplets that are still not supported because of the resolution. Does factories create such tuplets? And therefore you can't export them?
Anyway, at first I got a complete mess until I realized that it detected 2 voiced in a single voice instrument, so I manually fixed that and it was generally ok: I would just disable that useless option, honestly, since you're going to have to give support for used-defined voices anyway, otherwise keyboard music will always be impossible to make with Synfire. More in my list of suggestions thread, first section, for a long explanation about this issue; certain things have already been touched in the export-to-notation thread.
By the way, what's the point of "Show Grid" in the Progression tab?
Notation Export: accidentals and spelling
Thank you.
Notation Export: Improved preferences for launching compilers end editors
Seems fixed now. It's very useful to immediately see the result.
Notation Export: Always export F# Major as Gb Major, D# Minor as Eb Minor
Good. Standard, and easily changed via notation programs.
Editing: Make grid display more intuitive
You mean different vertical line colors? Thank you! It makes all the difference.
Editing: Fixed dragging symbol lengths
Editing: Make keyboard shortcut for grid show/hide
Editing: Add a Quantize button to Clickboard
In the progression tab, this looks like a bug though: (https://users.cognitone.com/files/forum/3689/progression_tab_empty_sect…)
Editing: Rewrite stretching algorithm for figure segments (snap to grid)
Editing: Shrinking a segment to the extreme should turn it into a chord
Fri, 2022-06-10 - 12:10 Permalink
Can you give an example where Undo/Redo messes up?
The only issue I know of is that Undo/Redo menu items sometimes get disabled (which blocks the keyboard command, too) because the original widget lost focus. Clicking on the widget (parameter editor, outlet, container, whatever) will enable the items again.
Fri, 2022-06-10 - 18:14 Permalink
For some reason, the option "Merge phrases" doesn't work anymore. It only works after you've immediately splitted a figure; just clicking another container and coming back, it doesn't work anymore.
From 2.0.5, or maybe some versions before (noticed now), with any level of horizontal zoom, the focus on the selected point is lost. Before, it happened only with a very high horizontal zoom.
Fri, 2022-06-10 - 17:56 Permalink
"Merge phrases" doesn't work anymore
You need to select multiple phrases for the same instrument. The phrase is merged into the phrase that is selected first. The issue is probably that a right-click for the menu happens to make a new single-selection. Using the command from the menu bar works.
Mon, 2022-06-13 - 15:03 Permalink
Many bugs were fixed. Thanks.
The most annoying bug left open for me refers to Audio Engine. Sound breaks from time to time. The longer you work, to more often sound is broken. After some time every minute. I think this bug was already reported.
Here are some details: you can get sound back, if you are changing Audio Device Driver (Back and Forth). Then sound is back again without anything to do in Synfire Plackback. Currently playing arrangment will sound again, without pressing play again. So i think it must be an Audio Engine issue only. I have tried Windows Audio, DirectSound, ASIO Drivers from Focusrite, Yamaha,... ...no difference. So it does not seem to be a driver issue. Must be something in Audio Engine, I guess.
Unfortunately you cannot let the window for device driver selection left open, because then plugin dialogs from Audio Engine cannot be used. So you have to close and reopen the dialog "Audioeinstellungen" everytime this happens...
Mon, 2022-06-20 - 15:51 Permalink
It should not be needed, but the following workaround worked for me:
1. Go to the Synfire installation folder
2. Open the Fonts folder
3. Open each of the fonts in this folder
4. Press "Install" to install each font permanently in Windows
5. Close and reopen Syfire
The symbols should be then all visible. Have fun :-)
Tue, 2022-06-21 - 18:52 Permalink
The Windows platform is an unpredictable mess. No matter how hard you test, how painstakingly you adhere to guidelines and de facto standards, there are always PCs out there for which something doesn't work for no apparent reason. This is such a pain in the butt, we briefly considered ditching the platform altogether. Doing away with 50% of the market however is not an option, so no worries ;-) I wonder if Microsoft will ever leave the 1980's behind and come up with something fresh that is not a never ending patchwork of layers over layers of workarounds.
Installing the fonts should not be necessary, but if it fixes the issue, so be it. If you do so, please do so with every update, or any new icons won't show up.