While reading the SFP/E manual I came across 'Symbol Types.' I searched the manual but could find no reference to the meaning of these. It look sort of like 'v' for verse, 'c' for chorus, etc.
Can someone please define the meanings of these, please?
Sun, 2012-11-04 - 21:19 Permalink
Do you mean they have no inherent meaning, but are just for the user to tag different segments for purposes of defining like editing, etc?
I would have thought the letters in the colored boxes reflect a link to some meaning.
Mon, 2012-11-05 - 00:33 Permalink
I now found it searching 'symbol.'
I owe an apology. I bypassed the 'Concepts' chapter ... since I thought I knew it from studying HN2, and went straight to the chapter on the phrase editor and the appendix on parameters.
Mea culpa.