As far as CC parameters and phrases go, is it 'all or nothing?'
I wish that I could apply CCs like modulation to just one segment, or even better parts of a segments in a phrase. Expressive midi playing usually requires modulating something like this in and out.
Or is the only way to do it to 'Overdub' record with a physical controller?
Wed, 2012-11-14 - 18:07 Permalink
Not yet. This is high on our list along with per-symbol articulations.
I assume this essentially will mean CC 'automation' within a phrase. That will be absolutely fantastic!
I'd say, 'I can't wait!,' but since I know I'll have to, I won't say it.
Very, very glad to hear this is a priority.
Wed, 2012-11-14 - 19:44 Permalink
That's what it does now already. You seem to be talking about Figure.
Hmmm ... I don't know if I am not explaining clearly or if we have a 'language issue.'
Here's what I want to do. I have a phrase playing in a container.
I open that phrase's modulation parameter in the editor.
As I listen to the phrase play, I hear two places at the ends of segments in the phrase where I would like to add the modulation CC for some expressiveness. But I don't want to add a static value to the entire phrase in its current container.
To add the modulation to a segment or end of a segment within the phrase, I assume there must be a CC value change that only affects the segment at that point in time, but doesn't affect the other generated midi notes.
How could this not be 'automation WITHIN the modulation parameter of the phrase?'
If I am misunderstanding entirely, please help me understand what you mean by CC automation?
I thought you could only apply different static CC values with the parameters on a per instrument container by container basis. Are you saying that you can, for an example, ramp up and down the volume across a container by automating the Volume parameter on a phrase in an instrument?
Wed, 2012-11-14 - 20:23 Permalink
Are you saying that you can, for an example, ramp up and down the volume across a container by automating the Volume parameter on a phrase in an instrument?
Absolutely! Try it.
You can do that will all parameters except a very few special ones like Interpretation, Scheme, etc. The slider is only a convenience shortcut for setting a constant value.
Wed, 2012-11-14 - 22:24 Permalink
Absolutely! Try it.
You can do that will all parameters except a very few special ones like Interpretation, Scheme, etc. The slider is only a convenience shortcut for setting a constant value.
I can draw in modulation statically in the Modulation edit window ... but it doesn't sound right as I cannot 'groove' it as I can with the controller on my midi keyboard to the playing notes.
Can I record a parameter by mousing the large parameter channel fader in the right pane of the main window?
I tried to do this, using the 'P' record button. After I stop the transport and recording, it still shows the red bar under the phrase and the little 'REC' in red.
Everything seems to freeze with the editor and I can't open the edit window or get the program out of the 'REC' status ... I sent a crash report a few minutes ago.
Or is this a demo limitation?
I also don't understand the "Shift" to overdub record a parameter. Does this mean just hold down shift as you press 'P' record?
Finally, can you loop record and overdub and hear your changes until you are satisfied ... either with the channel parameter fader or with external input?
This is all getting to the 'real nitty gritty' of where the program would be incredibly powerful. Help me find the key to 'unlock' it!