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Guitar music chords modulated



Used a modulations from Cm to Gm

It starts modest the mood and stay that way


Sa., 19.10.2013 - 16:12 Permalink

Nice tracks. The ends of the pieces might still be revised somewhat. They stop rather abruptly.

Adding keyswitches (perhaps a improved system for this )  and more instrument tracks could make Synfire Express much more attractive

Yes, adding keyswitches, more instruments, unlimited nesting levels for containers, tempo changes, the Chromatic parameter, progression layers, extended library features, and so on, makes Synfire Express more attractive. That's the reason why there is an upgrade path to Synfire Pro.  :-D


Sa., 19.10.2013 - 18:13 Permalink

Another song http://soundcloud.com/janamdo/saxduet

Added a second sax (alt ) with corrected expression.
Both sax's are straight sax instruments and no articulations are used ( not possible in Synfire Express )
In a way this song is enjoyable, but lacks livelyness without articulations.

I ask myself should Synfire Express ever become a mainstream composer program for the mass.. with this price tag and functionality ?
If i was Cognitone i should forcus on Synfire Express and position this as the entry composition program to start with, and make a stronger advertising, because no starter will be paying the fullprice for Synfire Pro.. my  2 cents thoughts
about this.

Adding keyswitches (perhaps a improved system for this )  and more instrument tracks could make Synfire Express much more attractive for a aspiring composer of modern music.   
Well i shall see what the future holds for Synfire Express..

Synfire Express is transformed in a wonderful composition program now, with the new soundassigning system and all other improvements.



Sa., 19.10.2013 - 19:05 Permalink

Hi juergen

Nice tracks. The ends of the pieces might still be revised somewhat. They stop rather abruptly.

You are right, but it was not (yet) my intention for now to deliver a full song ( all my songs are not complete )

To become a mainstreamcomposer you need more features than Synfire Express has to offer right now.
It is a wonderful program Synfire and the separation of form and content makes it possible to compose whatever you like and that's why i like it so much.

Who wants to pay 900, euro  for starting with Synfire Pro composing? ..only professionals..and people with a big wallet.   :D

Sa., 19.10.2013 - 19:23 Permalink

Who wants to pay 900, euro  for starting with Synfire Pro composing? ..only professionals..and people with a big wallet.   Bild entfernt.


Probably no one.


But your argument is flawed. You've paid 450 Euro for SF Express and maybe less before for Harmony Navigator. There is a progression of products from Cognitone. You don't buy a Mercedes 500 SEL for the price of a VW Golf.


Now that you are using SF Express and have learned it well, you see that there are advantages to SF Pro that make it worthwhile to some users. There are only two conclusions: you do not want to pay for the upgrade at this point for whatever reason; or, the extra value of the upgrade is in your opinion not worth the price.


You continue to make the argument of what SF Express should have that SF Pro does have for a very long time. It becomes tiresome.


You are a good guy and make many valuable recommendations and comments, but I think it is time to put the 'what SF Express doesn't have that it should' argument to bed.


Or maybe we should all chip in and start a fund so you can upgrade so we don't have to hear it? :)



Sa., 19.10.2013 - 20:45 Permalink

Who wants to pay 900, euro  for starting with Synfire Pro composing?


Sure, that's a lot of money. But look how much money you can spend on sounds, for example. For a decent string library you can easily spend 1000 € or more. And then you have only strings.


Or compare the price of Synfire to the prices in other fields of software, such as 3D graphics software. In comparison to that, the price of Synfire looks downright tiny. I think we can be thankful that André has decided to develop this software which gives us so much pleasure, although he could certainly earn a lot more money on other areas of the IT industry.


Sa., 19.10.2013 - 21:49 Permalink

Yes, you are completely right and i don't say that is not the money worth to pay 900 Euro for Synfire Pro
I do realize how much time and thinking (dedication/determination)  is needed for developing such a composingprogram. 
I am only concentrating on Synfire Express a possible mainstream composer and find it not lively. 

Sure, that's a lot of money. But look how much money you can spend on sounds, for example. For a decent string library you can easily spend 1000 € or more. And then you have only strings.


Or compare the price of Synfire to the prices in other fields of software, such as 3D graphics software. In comparison to that, the price of Synfire looks downright tiny. I think we can be thankful that André has decided to develop this software which gives us so much pleasure, although he could certainly earn a lot more money on other areas of the IT industry.


Yes, the price looks to me downright tiny for Synfire pro, but for the mass who wants to start with Synfire Express as mainstreamcomposer, it must just deliver the right basic features to rock with a reasonable price..than i can become a commercial succes ( a idea i repeated earlier ).
A commercial succes is also important goal for a company to strive for. ( but perhaps not for Cognitone ? )        



Sa., 19.10.2013 - 22:46 Permalink

That's true i  repeated earlier this .. about Synfire Express and too much than and for now on this occasion i  decided to close this discussion and see it in a broader perspective ..not only for me , but also for other people who want maybe buy Synfire ..but that's is ofcourse not my concern how Synfire goes further.
When i was composing the sax piece i realized again the lack of livelyness of Synfire Express.. a fact that's a weak point that i must accept than.

You continue to make the argument of what SF Express should have that SF Pro does have for a very long time. It becomes tiresome.

Yes, i repeated too much topics in the past and i appriciate the flexibility of Cognitone that they don't make a big deal from it and i try to come up with  original questions and not over and over again the same topic. 

You are a good guy and make many valuable recommendations and comments, but I think it is time to put the 'what SF Express doesn't have that it should' argument to bed.

Indeed to let Synfire Express for now what is ..a wonderful program ( only recently after the major chances and before that it was difficult to work with) 

 Or maybe we should all chip in and start a fund so you can upgrade so we don't have to hear it? Bild entfernt.

haha ..that's a nice idea, but i can't accept this when it should be possible, because money is my own responsibility here and updating to Synfire Pro can be done if i want to do it.  
I like to go on for the coming time with Synfire Express and investigate time in other ways of composing.



So., 20.10.2013 - 03:51 Permalink

Janamdo change your instrument and realise the liveliness of synfire express and modulation using cc values. A key switch can be on or off, a cc value can have between 0 and 127 if a single byte or upto thousands... Far more liveliness!


So., 20.10.2013 - 04:34 Permalink

Janamdo change your instrument and realise the liveliness of synfire express and modulation using cc values. A key switch can be on or off, a cc value can have between 0 and 127 if a single byte or upto thousands... Far more liveliness!


Hey Blacksun! Enquiring minds want to know: is it brighter at night?


Anyway, I think this is apples and oranges. Key switching permits what is in effect an internal to the patch patch-change. So on strings you can go between legato, marcato, staccato, etc., while using the same (or designed to be the same) sounding strings. In principle for this example, just like a real, single orchestra playing in different styles.


You are right, that many incredible things can be done with CC like volume for swells, panning, changing modulation, changing filter resonance and cutoff, etc.


But really, to be able to manipulate/ automate your CC WITH key switching gets us closer to the 'Holy Grail.'

So., 20.10.2013 - 15:52 Permalink

Hi Blacksun

Yes, doing more with CC controllers could give other arrangments too, and there are 16 instruments in Synfire Express to use.

Realistic instruments can bring your arrangement to a higher level of appriciation  






Mo., 21.10.2013 - 18:09 Permalink

Well i needed the VW golf R what has 6 cylinders and not the default VW golf I like to hear the screaming 6 cylinder with full throttle.....and driving it on the nurnbergring

Well, you could purchase many, many SFP licenses for the price of a car like that ;)

Mo., 21.10.2013 - 18:50 Permalink

LOL! I drive a GTI, not the R ... but in America the R has the 2.0 Turbo ... same one in all the Audi and some other VWs. The VR6 is no longer available new.


But it is very expensive here if you like to drive it like you are supposed to. I just got a speeding ticket for going 120kph in a 95kph road. It cost $377.00.


I am slowing down.

Mo., 21.10.2013 - 19:38 Permalink

Well i needed the VW golf R what has 6 cylinders and not the default VW golf :thumbsup:
I like to hear the screaming 6 cylinder with full throttle.....and driving it on the nurnbergring
( i was there in a VW golf with 260 km/h as a passenger..racing with other cars..fun..but is was a time ago )

But your argument is flawed. You've paid 450 Euro for SF Express and maybe less before for Harmony Navigator. There is a progression of products from Cognitone. You don't buy a Mercedes 500 SEL for the price of a VW Golf. 


Mo., 21.10.2013 - 20:40 Permalink

We have countless roads without any speed limit here. If your car can make 200 miles/h (320 km/h), enjoy it and have fun. Most owners of a Ferrari or Lambo do that all the time. German Autobahn is in good condition almost everywhere.

For Germans, the freedom to drive as you see fit is similar to what owning a gun must be like in the US. I guess the overall death toll is comparable. 

Fr., 25.10.2013 - 03:07 Permalink

I bought Harmony Navigator first, and was very intrigued with that.. When I started to realize how stripped down it was compared to SFP. I thought about.. Never spent that much money  on music software.  In spite of it still needing to grow more and get 'smoothed out'.. I think it was a good investment.  I have learnt so much more about theory, harmony, scales, etc.  The knowledged learned is worth half the price of the software.


Yes it is a goodly sum.. I've know some well to do musicians who wouldn't spring for it. The principle of the price got them.. If Andre gets it a lot more user friendly, and sales go up, he could afford to lower the price..


The SFE is an inbetween.. Where do you draw the line between the two versions.  The point is Andre has to sell enough copies so that he can afford to spend his days programming, and not have to get a regular day job.. The work he is doing is very important..  It is basically an unwalked path he is making.. 


If SFE isn't doing what you want, save your $$$ and take the jump..  I don't regret it.  


Back in the late 60's and early 70's I used, owned, and worked for several analog modular synths.. Way befoe MIDI was conceived..  I sold all that equipment off in the 80's. I have discovered there is a small but very thriving analog modular community out there with many manufactors. They don't all make the same modules, so stick to only very esoteric ones. But there are 3 formats all manufactors stick to, so you can mix and match. They all have MIDI to CV converters..


I would want to spend $10K - $15K... Don't know if I'm gonna do it.. but I really miss the old days of the physicalness of patchchords and knobs.. After a while, you're hands did the patching, and you didn't think too much about it. The tactileness of it was very satisfying.. 


My point is if there is something you really want,, think about it... and consider it.. Don't make a foolish investment. Is this a tool that will give you an edge over others?.  SFP certainly is.. I'm coming up with piano parts, I doubt anyone could create , at least I haven't met them yet. 


And the ease with which Andre demonstrates an idea with an absolute minimum of work.. gives testimony to its power..Of course this has been floating around in his brain for who knows how many years.. But we all here are making gradual process.  This is cutting edge technology.. 

Fr., 25.10.2013 - 08:47 Permalink

I have to agree with Mark too, Janamdo you often complain about the limitations of SFE and state it should have more of the functionality of SFP. If you need the extra facilities you should 'bite the bullet' and upgrade. Andre offers an excellent upgrade path, pretty much you just pay the difference in cost.

After all, you bought the full Cubase software, this is 8 times the price of the cut down version, you didnt buy the cheap version and demand features be implemented from the full product. You bought Halion 5, which is twice the price of sonic, and as you got sonic as part of Cubase that makes halion5 infinitely more expensive than sonic. You felt in both cases you needed the extra functionality and so bought the more expensive packages.

Your investment in SFE is not lost, if you need the extra functionality, pay the price difference and get the pro version.

I bought synfire pro when there was no express version. I pondered about paying for such an expensive bit of software, spent ages reading the info on the website, watching the videos and saving money. Then I tried the demo. It was complicated, very complicated, but at the time I had only a rudimentary  understanding of music theory. However with the demo, I was able to produce music that was better than Id been doing without it and faster even if I didnt know what I was doing. I paid the money, Ive never looked back or regretted it.

In the time Ive had synfire pro, Ive paid for an upgrade for ableton lite to suite, version 7 to 8 to 9, Ive paid for windows to be upgraded from xp to vista to 7 and am now pondering 8. Ive bought a macbook pro, oaid for an upgrade to osx, bought a new windows pc, upgraded my access virus from a KB to a TI. All of that has cost me $$$. In the same time, Andre has listened to his customer base (almost unheard of), taken on feedback and suggestions and produced more upgrades for Synfire than Ive had for all of the things just listed (except windows patches which are numerous and free!). The cost for the synfire upgrades and all the new features?


I have no idea if Andre will continue to provide feature upgrades for free in the future, but honestly, I have been so impressed with the support, speed of development and customer involvement with Synfire. If you need the extra features, pay the price difference and upgrade. Use it every day, and in two years time take the money youve paid for synfire divide it by the number of days youve used it and do the same with all the other software and hardware you have and compare the two. I bet Synfire pro will be the cheaper part of the cost of producing music.

Fr., 25.10.2013 - 11:24 Permalink


You might think so,  but the true is different , it are all educational versions Cubase and Halion when i purchased them ..i paid half prize :) , because i must be careful with my expensives.  
When i must pay the full price .. i should not do that at that time.
But with the update prices of Steinberg it becomes more expensive : a update from Cubase 6.5 ( i own) costs at start 150 Euro and now 200 euro( i did not )
With the pricing updates of Steinberg of Cubase and Halion you must realize that at the end the purchase costs can be very high and hopefully the software fulfill all your musical needs ?..
So for instance i don't upgrade further Cubase, but wait until the score editor becomes userfriendlier and is easy to work with. 

After all, you bought the full Cubase software, this is 8 times the price of the cut down version, you didnt buy the cheap version and demand features be implemented from the full product. You bought Halion 5, which is twice the price of sonic, and as you got sonic as part of Cubase that makes halion5 infinitely more expensive than sonic. You felt in both cases you needed the extra functionality and so bought the more expensive packages.

So the pricing of Synfire Express was for me  double of that one Cubase or Halion, but that is not important here. 
I don't complain about the price of Synfire Express..i get the upgrade for free, when  got unexpected a sum of money. (this as side information)

Well complaining about Synfire express is not excactly the issue here for me.. i would see some extra enhencements that it lifts up a little bit to make it more appealing for new users.


Please make some reasonable assumptions ...this one is not complete true

The cost for the synfire upgrades and all the new features?


This upgrade was a needed repair for the shortcoming of the previous version of Synfire. 
But if it should cost some extra ..Cognitone could ask for it, because the "chimney must smoke" also for Cognitone as we say in Holland : "de schoorsteen moet ook roken" 
I agree it is a nice gesture of Cognitone to give a free update, but now i don't want to feel quilty about it, that it was giving to us for free.