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A raw notation in real time


A raw notation showing in real time what is going on in the instruments/containers would be quite useful. An engraver-level, Finale-like output is not mandatory: black and white noteheads, even without stems, on a standard 5-lines staff will suffice.

The back and forth to/from Lilypond is a bit cumbersome.

Thank you.

Mo., 04.12.2017 - 21:56 Permalink

This feature request is (almost) as old as mankind. Bild entfernt.



But you have to keep in mind that "real time" will not work. Synfire needs to render the output data first. This rendering process is executed when you hit the play button. A rendering after each user input would certainly bring every computer to its knees.

Mo., 04.12.2017 - 22:43 Permalink

The deferred display of the rendered notes is also fine. Getting in and out of Lilypond is not...

Mo., 04.12.2017 - 23:27 Permalink

A piano roll output view is doable and a rough version of it is already being worked on. 

Users familiar with notation software might be really disappointed if it was read-only and simplified. A majority of users not familiar with notation would also be disappointed, because there would be few resources left to advance other core features that actually help create music (of which there are many in the pipeline). A piano roll will be a good start at least.

(By the way, please avoid adding replies to discussions that are older than a year. Quite a few of the email addresses used earlier are no longer valid and can cause trouble by putting us on spam blacklists, etc. Most forum software deals with this by closing old threads automatically, unfortunately not this one. Instead, please create a new thread and, if necessary, refer to the older discussion using a link - thanks!)