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How to Extend Container?



Consider a recording of snippets resulting in a Structure like this:

As it happened, the 2nd A3 is too short.  

My goal is to (let's say) make A3 twice as long as is shown, moving all subsequent containers to the right.

How can I do it?


Sat, 2024-06-01 - 09:09 Permalink

Select the container A3 and extend it as needed. Then select the root container and activate the option "Container >> Keep Child Containers in a Row". This will bring the containers back in line and extend the length of the root container accordingly. Then you can deactivate "Keep Child Container in a Row" again (which will not change the container positions). 

Sat, 2024-06-01 - 12:39 Permalink

Selecting the container and loopmarker and add the vertical orange ruler , then command to enlarge the container
Its not possible yet to do this, but with this condition all containers A are moved 2 bars further and container A is enlarged, but has this a advantage ?

Sat, 2024-06-01 - 14:19 Permalink


I appreciate the suggestions!

re:  "Container >> Keep Child Containers in a Row"  -  it's nice that we can assign a hot-key to that.  Doing so helps this workflow nicely.

re:  "select multiple containers and use the arrow keys to move them all"  -  this works nicely when the # of containers to be selected is small.  For longer situations, it would be very helpful to be able to select a long row of containers without having to click them one-by-one.   (Am I missing a trick here?)

re:  the timeline insertion idea  -  yeah, I would love to see that, it would be very useful!

Sat, 2024-06-01 - 15:52 Permalink

Container >> Make Room

Ah, nice!   

(Be sure the root container is selected to un-gray the menu item.)




Sat, 2024-06-01 - 18:16 Permalink

Need not be the root container. Make Room works at any level in the structure.