I wish there was a 'Mute' tool in the editor. That is highlighted/ selected things could be made inoperable/ deactivated, but remain in the phrase if you wanted A/ B test an idea.
I also think there is place for an 'Eraser' in addition to Select> Delete.
Thu, 2012-11-15 - 14:40 Permalink
Hi All
Prado I absolutely agree with your suggestion.We did it recently.
One mute tool,select it and with one clic over a individual symbol or symbols (note(s)) of a phrase or over a segment(s) or over parameter automates, mute it or them and with another clic unmute.
Also over a container(s).
This would be much faster and effective than automate pause or volume parameter.
Best Wishes :)
Sun, 2012-11-18 - 02:50 Permalink
Looks like I struck a chord. A bit of harmony around here, or merely simple voice leading?
OK, since I'm no longer demoing and now a genu-whine SFE user ... I going to get really bold.
Basically, I'd like all the tools and the structure from the Cubase Key Editor window ... with the selectable CC automation lanes at the bottom of that window.
Some parameter would fall to the automation lane where those great drawing tools like sine, saw, etc., which 'sync' to the quantization interval or can be 'unsnapped' would work with the appropriate existing CC values like Vol (velocity), Pan, Expression, Modulation, Bend, etc.
Other parameter could be in the horizontal upper half or scalable portion of the window for Figure, etc.
It doesn't matter that in Cubase it's a piano roll and in Synfire they are 'not notes.' It's still the same concept when using the window for editing.
Also, just like in the main window where there is a panel directly to the right side of the instument/ progression/ harmony/ mixer window that contains all the parameters and scolls vertically, there needs the same vertical scheme in the editor window. The horizontal panel at the top of the editor window isn't working for me. It is a royal 'PITA' to have to constantly resize the editor window horizontally to get to parameters. Clicking the little triangles to display or hide, is also inadequate.
Sun, 2012-11-18 - 02:50 Permalink
Yeah, I'll 2nd that motion Judge. The eraser should have a nozzle on it, with different patterns of what it will erase.
Think of it as the different tools in photoshop, when you want smear edges, remove some but not too much data.. Or you want an erase that's like a block of swiss cheese. It's got holes in it. notes within the holes are removed, but otherwise not effected...
Sun, 2012-11-18 - 03:10 Permalink
Hey Prado:
I see you use your head for something more than the handle of a coat hanger.. Those are good ideas. But I want them from the Logic editor.... Seriously Andre will most likely look at the features of each, see where they overlap, what they have in common, what's easiest to implement in code..
Having worked with synth and music software companies, a lot of times the way software is written, it's hard or impossible to implement another feature without rewriting a large section of code.. It becomes a juggling act for the programmer. There's nothing worse than realizing a fundamental issue you should address after the bulk of the code has been written..
I would like to see %'s or scaleable choices on the parameters too.. I was just working with the shift command, some of it's nice, some of it is too strong for what I need, but I just figured how to edit, and smooth them.. Still a numeric way of dealing with them might be nice too....
I think perhaps Shift mouse click opens up the parameter list and it's right there with your cursor. The less mouse traveling the better. Or perhaps the parameters are on a removable floating pallette. Yeah the scrolling down to reach a parameter is a bit awkard..