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Strange behaviour of Symbols and Segments


In the picture, the notes sound differently depending on whether I select them using the segment tool, or if I select the notes individually using the symbol tool.  The Interpretation is set to Bass, and the bass note of the chords is set to the root in all cases except the first F#m which is set to C#.

Segment - G, D, A, G, D

Symbol   - D, A, E, D, D

Actual playback follows the segment sequence of notes, and it sounds pretty bad because of the G in the D chord and the D in the F#m chord.

If I un-group the last note, the first four then sound the same as the symbol notes.

Is there a special reason for this behaviour?  I would have thought the notes should give the same result no matter how they are selected.





Thu, 2014-11-20 - 12:52 Permalink

Yes, strange observation indeed. I rebuilt your example and can't reproduce. Seems a playing range thing.

The segment is very long. It is likely that forcing the bass to go down all the time violates the playing range and makes Synfire transform the segment. 

Synfire prefers 1,5,7,9 for the bass. If it chooses a 3, something is getting tight. 

Note that, if you want to force a movement to go down continously, a single scale step is sufficient. Double steps only add to the overall range span. Also try setting a specific bass note in Harmony at the beginning.

Thu, 2014-11-20 - 19:03 Permalink

You're right that the segment is too long, I've got round the problem anyway by un-grouping.

It's definitely affected by the playing range, but I've reproduced it using the standard range for GM Electric Bass (finger).  I've put it in a library for you to try.

The bass note at the beginning is the root (D) so I was surprised when it played a G, but that's perhaps more to do with the interpretation settings.

Anyway, no big deal because I probably shouldn't have had such a long segment, but it's perhaps worth looking at to see if there's a bug somewhere.
