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Take and its snapshot


Hello There
How come sometimes an instrument take from a Combo cannot be taken a snapshot. If there is no take on that default instrument; it cannot be in the arrangement. It will not be in the midi file. Here I am sending you a snip of what I talkning about.
Please advise.

Sat, 2010-12-11 - 11:31 Permalink

Taking a snapshot of the Take parameter does not automatically also create a Figure from it. You need to run the figure recognition on the take.

However, instead you could also take a snapshot of the Figure parameter.

Sat, 2010-12-11 - 20:45 Permalink

Taking a snapshot of the figure parameter does not make it the track visible in midi files...and so it can not be part of the original arrangement. I will keep on trying though.
Keep up the great job.