Synfire 2.0 Preview
Although there's still a long way to go, I will begin sharing the first sneak previews into what's going on behind the scenes, starting this weekend. So be sure to check out (...)
Although there's still a long way to go, I will begin sharing the first sneak previews into what's going on behind the scenes, starting this weekend. So be sure to check out (...)
This composition is generated from a melody with two phrases that I whistle and record in Logic, taking advantage of its Flex Pitch utility and its ability to transform audio into MIDI (...)
Previously (see attachments) Finally: Thank you very much in advanced and enjoy.
Hi All Synfire clicked for me earlier late last year, and since then I've knocked out a few tracks to explore its promise. Here is the third from me in as many (...)
Sorry all. I used the magic of Synfire to use similar elements in two tracks recently. This is the second one. I'd be curious if you could spot the substantially reused elements (...)
My new music video Thanks, Ruchir
I've composed a rather short Spring ballad theme tune and put it next to some footage I recorded during Spring in Berlin. Listen to it here:
Users that are new to Synfire often expect it to work like a DAW. To their credit, the difference is indeed difficult to tell at first glance, at least until it's unique (...)
“There are other worlds, but they are in this one.” (Paul Éluard) Video version: Audio version:
Extremely cool upright bass solo here. I just came across this while programming a similar style for the upcoming generative algos. Erm, it won't be quite as exciting as this live performance (...)
Hi all. I've made a new music video using Synfire. I've used lots of features of Synfire that I hadn't used previously, including the step feature for complex rhythmic melodies, and polyrhythms (...)
Here we go again. Enjoy it!
Hi all, I've created another music video using the same techniques that I discussed in the Synfire Zoom users meeting. Grateful for your crits' or comments. Happy festivities, Ruchir.
Hi. Here is my latest track made 100% using Synfire, then mastered in Presonus Studio One. I then converted this into a music video, hence cinematic: I'm not hearing much music (...)
I just want to comment Synfire Pro shortly. I have bought it and thought there was too much unwanted interpretation. One morning I woke up and tried Synfire Pro anew. I just (...)
Find the track attached below
Another example of morphing containers + a simple melody over a pretty fast accompaniment + the Synfire .xml generated file as imported in Finale.
Once again, Christmas’ coming and I’m happy of sharing my yearly carol with all my friends at Cognitone forums -it’s becoming a traditional event-. Video version: Audio only and RAW downloadable (...)
Andre, just wanted to thank you once again for creating Synfire - such an amazing tool for the electronic music producers! Waiting for the 1.9 update, whoooop, whoooooop! Since most of the (...)
Haven't had a chance to make any music for what seems like ages, so to de-stress from working too hard had a little play around with Synfire. Mainly using the example libraries (...)
This time I've taken a chamber music tune I composed long ago with the help of Synfire and some photos I took 6 years ago and combined this into a video with (...)
Artificial intelligence has been around for decades, but only recently neural networks, deep learning in particular, became a hot topic again. I wanted to share a bit of insight into Cognitone's perspective on this is and what we are currently doing in the way of new intelligent features for Synfire.
Hi. I tried to realize with Screenflow a guide on how to preserve the chromatic passages in Synfire without disabling the Voice Leading checkbox under the Interpretation tab. I uploaded the video (...)
I've uploaded a video screencast showing my composition workflow for creating a simple snippet of music with Ableton Live and Synfire Pro. Descriptive text is in the subtitles. Be sure to enable (...)