Use this as a reference when tagging your posts. Note that you can (and should) combine multiple tags to describe the subject matter of your content, such that other users can more easily find it. If you feel a tag is missing, let us know.
Complete List Of Tags
- Features (3)
Content dealing with specific software editions or features
- Synfire Sparks (1)
Content specifically for the Sparks edition
- Synfire Express (1)
Content specifically for the Express edition
- Synfire Pro (6)
Content specifically for the Pro edition
- Factories (2)
Content about KIM Factories
- Harmonizer (1)
Content dealing with the harmonizer feature
- Harmony Navigator (3)
Archived content associated with Harmony Navigator
- Libraries (15)
Stuff that is about building and using libraries
- Morphing
Dealing with the morphing parameter in Synfire Pro
- Palettes (2)
Use this tag if your post deals with palettes
- Snippets (3)
Content about the Snippets feature of Synfire
- Sketches (Real-time Patterns) (1)
Content about making and using real-time accompaniments
- Instruments (1)
- Articulations (2)
About key switches and other ways of controlling different timbres of sound
- Custom Controllers (2)
Things related to setting up and using custom controllers
- Playing Ranges
About selecting and using the different pitch ranges of an instrument or sound
- Sound Selection (11)
About creating, looking up and assigning a sound to an instrument in an arrangement
- Harmony (6)
About keys, scales and chords and everything related to harmony, including the theory of harmony
- Catalog (of Chords and Scales)
About using the Catalop app and editing your own system of harmony
- Chords (4)
About chords and how to edit and use them in Synfire
- Modulation (Key Changes)
Tips and advice on composing key changes
- Polytonality (Layers)
About using multiple parallel chord progressions at the same time
- Scales & Keys
About scales and keys and how to setup and use them
- Rhythm & Dynamics (3)
About rhythm and dynamics in general and how to utilize the parameters Scheme, Rhythm, Velocity, Step, Shift, Flow and many more
- Drums (1)
Dealing with drum patterns
- Humanization
About adding human touch to the timing
- Tempo
Advice on using tempo to achieve specific effects
- Interpretation (5)
About the many aspects of the Interpretation parameter and phrase rendering in general
- Inversions & Voicing (1)
About controlling chord inversion, voicing and alignment
- Voice Leading (1)
Avoiding or creating dissonances
- Import (3)
About creating new phrases from importing or recording MIDI input
- Figure Recognition (3)
About creating a Figure from a recorded Take and its many options and settings
- Recording (7)
Recording phrases and parameters
- Export (1)
About exporting your work to a DAW, to MIDI files or notation formats
- MIDI File Export (2)
About saving to Standard MIDI Files specifically
- Notation Export
About exporting to MusicXML or Lilypond format specifically
- Editing Phrases (5)
About editing the Figure and many other parameters of a phrase
- Figure (Parameter) (11)
About the Figure parameter in particular
- Workflows (10)
Strategies how to accomplish things with Synfire
- Melodies (5)
About drawing and transforming melodies
- Counterpoint (2)
About the art of multiple melodies interacting with each other in compelling ways
- Instrumentation & Textures
The art of combining multiple instruments to create a particular sound and texture
- Containers & Structure (4)
About building a song structure or mre comprehensive score from smaller components
- Songwriting (Workflow) (2)
About writing a song
- Composing For Film (Workflow) (6)
About workflows for composing music for film
- Guitar (Workflow) (2)
Techniques for creating realistic guitar phrases
- Piano (Workflow) (3)
Techniques for creating realistic piano phrases
- Lyrics (Workflow) (1)
Using the Lyrics parameter and exporting lead sheets
- Vocals (Workflow) (2)
About composing music around a vocal track and vocals in general
- Setup (2)
About installation, configuration and sound setup
- Mac (10)
Use this to tag macOS-specific content
- Windows (15)
Use this to tag Microsoft Windows specific content
- Installation (18)
About installing or upgrading the software on your computer
- Racks (9)
Setting up sound racks
- Device Descriptions (4)
About creating, editing and using device descriptions for synths and instrument plug-ins
- Audio Engine (4)
About the Audio Engine that hosts all plug-ins and mixes the sound
- ASIO (2)
Low-latency audio driver used on Windows
- Plug-ins (8)
Audio plug-ins (VST, VST3, AudioUnits)
- VSL (3)
About the Vienna Symphonic Library in particular
- MIDI (9)
Everything related to MIDI input and ouput, loopback drivers and hardware interfaces
- External MIDI Hardware (5)
Synths, master keyboards, control surfaces, etc
- Instrument Tunings (1)
Custom string tunings for your instruments
- GM
General MIDI Standard
- Synchronization with DAW (13)
Linking Synfire with your DAW
- Automation (3)
Automating parameters of your hosted plug-ins
- Drones (13)
Remote-controlled plug-ins running in your DAW on behalf of Synfire
- DAWs (2)
Subsumes all DAWs available to link to Synfire
- Ableton Live (4)
Content associated with this particular DAW
- Cubase (4)
Content associated with this particular DAW
- Logic Pro (2)
Content associated with this particular DAW
- ProTools (1)
Content associated with this particular DAW
- Reaper (1)
Content associated with this particular DAW
- Reason
Content associated with this particular DAW
- Sonar (1)
Content associated with this particular DAW
- Musical Style (Genre)
Use this to tag music examples that don't fit any more specific tag
- Classical (5)
Music created in the historcial classic era, not to be confused with orchestral music in general
- Electronic (3)
All sorts of electronic music, EDM, Ambient, etc
- Jazz (8)
All flavors of Jazz in its hundreds of variations
- Orchestral (12)
Music performed by an orchestra
- Piano Music (7)
About music composed for piano
- Pop
All kinds and variations of popular music
- R&B (1)
Rhythm and Blues, Soul, etc
- Rock & Alternative
Music composed for bands that are primarily playing guitars
- Soundtracks (27)
About soundtracks for film, games or other media
- Artists (Featured) (4)
Add this tag when you are writing about other artists and their work
- Research & Development (4)
About ongoing research and development, science and A.I.
- Community (6)
About the things we do here on this platform (and anywhere else in the world)
- Workshops (2)
Things around learning, collaboration and socializing
- Examples (10)
Use this tag if your post showcases a music example
- Videos
Use this tag if your post includes a video that is not immediately obvious (e.g. not a tutorial)
- Ads (1)
We use this to tag advertising and promotional videos