Flexrouter for Kontakt
Flexible keyswitch router for Kontakt (multiscript) by jtackaberry I use it with Synfire and Kontakt Banks. The script translates an Articulation Keyswitch (e.g. D1) into a Midi Program change number (1 through (...)
Flexible keyswitch router for Kontakt (multiscript) by jtackaberry I use it with Synfire and Kontakt Banks. The script translates an Articulation Keyswitch (e.g. D1) into a Midi Program change number (1 through (...)
I am attaching a copy of the "Kontakt - 48 empty track" Arrangement Template. I am also attaching a copy of the "Kontakt Falcon 64 blank channels" Arrangement Template. This Arrangement Template (...)
Create an orchestral arrangement based on phrases and parameters taken from a library. A long video with lots of tips and tricks along the way.
How to create a device description by extracting the list of sound banks and program names from a plug-in.
How to create a device template and rack module presets for a large (orchestral) sound library with custom controllers and articulations.
Get an idea what instruments, parameters, phrases, containers and other terms actually mean and how they are working together to render your music.
Learn how to setup a Global Rack, reset it to default and assign sounds to the six global instruments.
You can copy a Global Rack sound (for example, a synth such as Omnisphere) to your project's Private Rack, and Synfire "strongly recommends" that you do so. This will avoid the tedium (...)
Sometimes palettes, progressions and phrases stop generating sound when you click on them. Learn how to reset your global rack to fix this.
Learn how to assign sounds to an instrument by dragging audio plug-ins, presets, MIDI ports and other items from the sidebar.
I am starting to make a LFO-Style Controller Data Library. Here you will find Sinewaves in the most useful intensities and rate.
Learn how to set up Synfire with one or more Vienna Ensemble Pro (VEP) servers.
There are a few free sound libraries available for download from the following sources. You can use these to build racks for Synfire and/or for use in your DAW. If you want (...)
Hi there, if you want to use Synfire as a midi sequencer, so...no Engines,no Rack saves, just Midi Drones and want to host everything in the DAW this is the way that (...)
1. If you want to take advantage of Ableton's instruments or if you want to rack plugins in Ableton, put a drone on a different track. On your track with said plugins (...)