List of Compatible DAWs
If you have a DAW that synchronizes with (or otherwise works well) with Synfire, please add it to this list.
If you have a DAW that synchronizes with (or otherwise works well) with Synfire, please add it to this list.
If you have a setup that works, please add it to this list.
For learning, experimentation and as a resource for phrases and harmonies. Here are the original files for the following arrangements. Of course they will sound much different in your (...)
Diagram illustratting the internal signal flow of parameters in Synfire
Classic, jazz, soul, dance, teckno, stadium, anthems, christian, movie, pop and top40, with all Beatles mm. All files are about 170 mb big. Kontakt Ryland and I send you ZIP file.
Details of the implementation of OSC commands
If you're new to Mastodon, read this.
Note : The impetus for this page came when I was brand new to Synfire. I wanted a more structured step-by-step process for learning how to use the product in general (...)
With this setup Synfire is connected by the Loopbe loopbackdriver in Cubase 8 Pro In synfire you can compose and the two midichannels in Synfire are connected with two Vsti's ( Vsti (...)
There are a few free sound libraries available for download from the following sources. You can use these to build racks for Synfire and/or for use in your DAW. If you want (...)
I've attached a spreadsheet (Excel) showing all the Interpretation Presets in one place.
Random links to songwriting and composition resources on the net. Feel free to add your own links that you come across.
This is a sample page you can use for testing. Every registered user can edit this page and create new pages. Want to try? Go and add some content to this page (...)
1. If you want to take advantage of Ableton's instruments or if you want to rack plugins in Ableton, put a drone on a different track. On your track with said plugins (...)
For Synfire and Harmony Navigator (version 2 and above) you can define your own string instrument tunings using this XML format. Where To Put The Files Edit the XML file according to (...)