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Synfire & DAW (BitWig)

Author cognitone

How to synchronize BitWig 4 and later with Synfire. BitWig supports MIDI Clock only. The connection is stable but has minimal tempo variation that is almost not noticeable. You enjoy the benefit that you need not synchronize tempo by hand. 


  1. Disable Allow Negative Locators (BitWig can't do that)
  2. Enable External Sync
  3. Enable MIDI Sync
  4. Select for Output Port a MIDI loop-back driver (same as in Live)
  5. Select MIDI Clock


  1. Sync Method: MIDI Clock
  2. MIDI Input: same MIDI loop-back port as in Synfire

MIDI Drones

BitWig supports MIDI Effects plugins. Just drop the Cognitone MIDI Drone on a channel strip before any instrument that will receive Synfore's MIDI output.